October 2, 2022
Matthew 28:16-20
1.) Pastor Nate noted at the beginning of the message that Mary’s obedience to Christ led to the disciple's obedience to Christ. When we see our friends, family, and others obey Christ, it often encourages us to obey Christ. Is there anyone in your life that you have seen model the Christain life in a way that has encouraged you to want to become more faithful?
2.) We often make the mistake of narrowing the definition of worship to just the music we sing on a Sunday morning. Why is this a dangerous assertion to make? What are the different ways in which we are to worship God and what roles do these disciplines play in our lives?
3.) Pastor Nate pointed out that some of the disciples were experiencing uncertainty concerning Christ. Is it appropriate to exalt Christ even when we have doubts concerning him? What are some times in your life where you struggled in your faith and how were you able to persevere through those times?
-Spend some time reviewing the five questions that Nate asked about the Great Commission.
How much authority does Jesus have?
Where does Christ's absolute authority extend to?
Who gave Jesus this authority?
What does it mean that Jesus has absolute authority?
Are you living in submission to the Lord of all?
4.) What is the mission of the invisible universal Church?
-Invisible Church: Those who have truly placed their faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and seek to love and obey Him all the days of their life- not merely anyone who attends Church on a Sunday morning.
-Universal Church: The gathering of all the saints around the world in their respective local Church bodies.
Reflect on some of these quotes from Pastor Nate and verses quoted along with them:
-“The work of the church is evangelization, identification, and communication for the sake of transformation, which results in peregrination. The Church does not wait for the world to come to them, the Church goes and brings them in.”
-“And behold I am with you always to the end of the age” (Matt. 28:20)
-“The mission of the church will be accomplished because Christ is with us spiritually and will one day be with us physically.”
-“The mission of the church will be accomplished perfectly- the salvation of the nations.”
Are you fulfilling the mission of the church?
What are some fears and anxieties you face when taking on the task of evangelism?
Are there any new ways and/or contexts that you would like to start evangelizing?
End by taking time to pray and reflect on the truths and hope of Matthew 16:17-18
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