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The Purpose of the MBC Children's Ministry is to make Christ known, so that kids who do not know Christ, will come to know Christ, and kids who do know Christ will grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ. It is our goal to partner with parents and assist them with the spiritual formation of their children.

Sunday Morning Services

We provide childcare and kids' Sunday school services in BOTH services; see below for more details!

  • 8:30 Sunday school service includes... 
    • Nursery 
    • Pre-K
  • 10:00 AM Sunday school service includes... 
    • Nursery 
    • Two's 
    • Pre-K
    • K-2nd Grade
    • 3rd-5th Grade

How does it work?

  • Parents are welcome to drop off their babies (at the nursery), 2-year-olds (in the TWO's room during the 10 AM service), and Pre-K kids (in classroom 1) early before the start of the services. Remember, parents, before dropping your child off, please check them in. "Check-in" is available in each respective room/area, and there are volunteers present to help you with the process.  
  • For children grades K-5th, the process is a little different. Remember that K-5th Sunday School only takes place during the 10 AM service. We ask that parents check in their kids (grades K-5) in the HUB area. Next, the kids (grades K-5) will accompany their families to the main worship services to sing and worship together with the church. Then, after the singing has concluded, kids (grades K-5) will be dismissed to a large group time in Classroom 2 for Scripture memory, songs, and prayer before breaking into their respective rooms for the remainder of Sunday School! Grades K-2nd meet in Classroom 2. Grades 3rd-5th meet in the Fireside Room. Parents/Guardians will pick up their kids in these rooms after the 10 AM service.

Note* All K-5th Sunday School Rooms are located in the main building. 

Wednesday Evening Program

  • AWANA (6:00 PM - 7:30 PM) - Our AWANA program runs from September to March. Please visit our AWANA church page for more info.  


In order to be successful, the curriculum we administer and utilize for our ministry has to be clear, concise, comprehensive, and complete. Furthermore, we want to train the kids in such a way that it replicates and promotes the church's main service. And so, our curriculum is all about being expository but explicitly tailored for Sunday school ministries. This way, kids (Pre-K to 5th grade) can be taught how to explore the Bible properly from an early age. 

Our curriculums take children deep into the content of God's Word and challenge them to live it out in their context. For the Pre-K Sunday School, their curriculum is called, "Through the Bible." For the K-5th, their curriculum is called "Explore the Bible" by Lifeway Christian Resources. 

Ultimately, we desire that children will understand and apply the biblical text in context and also be able to develop personal Bible study skills.  


Contact the church office at 509.966.6500

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