When should I arrive?
Currently, we meet at 8:30 AM & 10 AM family worship service. However, we encourage people to arrive 20 minutes early.
Is there a certain door to enter?
There are 3 main entrances (west, north, east) to the main building. You are welcome to enter through any of these entrances & we'll be ready to greet you!
What’s available for kids on Sunday mornings?
We offer Preschool (Nursery, 2-Year-Olds, Pre-K) and Kindergarten - 5th grade classes during both services. We encourage families of school-age children to check their child in and then bring their child to the worship service with them. After singing they will be dismissed to their class.
What happens during a worship service?
First off, all of our worship services have the same songs and sermons. We typically start our services with a few announcements of upcoming events followed by a Scripture reading that calls us to worship. Then we sing songs that point us to the truth of the gospel, teach sound doctrine, and remind us of the work of Christ. We typically sing 4-5 songs during this time.
After we finish singing, we then have the reading of the Bible passage that will be preached that morning. Upon finishing the reading of the passage, the preacher will say, “This is God’s Word”, and the congregation responds, “Amen & amen.” This is in line with Nehemiah 8 as Ezra completes the reading of the Scriptures & the people respond in Nehemiah 8:6, “Amen, Amen!” to the reading.
MBC sermons are preached from an expositional approach, meaning that the sermon seeks to highlight the point of that specific passage. As we understand the point of the passage, we then move to applying and exhorting in light of that truth. A typical MBC sermon will last 30-35 minutes. We then move to a time of response through singing.
The song that we sing to conclude our service is to reflect the truth of the passage just preached. After singing we end with a benediction passage from the Bible from the pastor who preached.
How often do you take communion?
On the first, third, & fifth Sunday of each month, we take time after the sermon to take communion. MBC believes that this is an act of worship for Christians and is to be taken seriously by confessing sin before God, reflecting on the finished work of Christ, and rejoicing that Christ is victorious over sin and death.