April 14, 2024
Ephesians 5:25-27
1. Pastor Nate's first proclamation from this passage was that a husband's love for his wife should be unconditional. This love should flow out of the love Christ has for the church. Christ is our shepherd who protects and loves his sheep (John 10:11-18). For husbands, what areas have you failed to love your wives well and protect them? (This protection is not always physical, but mentally and spiritually as well)
2. Not only are husbands called to love and protect their wives but, by Christ's example, to sacrificially love them by fully committing to them in the relationship. For wives, what are ways you have seen your husband sacrificially love you and your family?
3. Pastor Nate spoke about the cleansing power of the gospel. As the head, a husband's job is to lead his wife and family in their spiritual well-being by continually helping point them to God and His Word. Husbands, how are you currently helping your wife and family in this way? If you're not, in what ways can you start? (I would encourage you to contact the Pastors of MBC if you need help in this area. We would be glad to help!)
4. One of Pastor Nate's points in his message was about our friends. Our friends are important, and the bible tells us to choose our friends wisely (Proverbs 12:26). Often, when Godly men surround us, we grow in godliness. When we spend time around those who oppose God, we grow in worldliness. Who are the men in your life who are good for you to spend time around? Is there anyone in your life you may need to lessen your time with? (There is no need for you to name names, but it's good to ponder and pray about.)
5. Pastor Nate told husbands not to lose heart. Though today's text is imposing and convicting, God is with us to help us and encourage us as we grow in this area. Take time to look at the points in how husbands are to lead, and pray for the guidance of God's Spirit to help you grow in these areas.
Husbands are called to...
A) ...search the scriptures...
B) ...saturate themselves in the scriptures...
C) ...read or listen to books or podcasts that help them understand the scriptures...
D) ...strive to obey the scriptures...
E) ...surround themselves with others who are faithful to the scriptures...
F) ...bring their wives and children to church regularly to hear the preaching of the scriptures...
G) ...pray regularly for their wife and children...
...so that husbands would increase in their love for Christ which will cause them to increase in their love for their wife and spiritual leadership of her.
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