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October 11, 2020

Matthew 9:1-8

1. We've gone through several miracles of Jesus in the gospel of Matthew over the past few weeks.

Which account has stood out to you?

Why are the miracles of Jesus such a significant part of the gospel narratives?

2. Today Pastor Zac preached on Matthew 9:1-8, but spent time looking at the parallel passage in Luke 5:17-26.

What do we gain from having 4 gospel accounts in the New Testament?

When studying the Bible, how often do you take time to study the cross-reference passages?

3. We see an incredible claim by Jesus in v. 2 as He forgives the sins of the paralytic. Pastor Zac said that this act of forgiving by Jesus highlights that Jesus is God.

Why is it important to embrace that Jesus is fully & truly 100% God & 100% man?  

4. Then we saw in v. 3-4 that Jesus is all-knowing as he knows the thoughts of the scribes.

How could it be comforting to embrace that Jesus is all-knowing?

How could it be terrifying to find out that Jesus is all-knowing?

5. Jesus proves his authority to forgive sins by physically healing this paralytic in v. 5-6.

What would be lost if we couldn't have confidence in the authority of Jesus?

How has having confidence in the authority of Jesus made a difference in your life?

6. In v. 7-8, we see the different responses to the work of Jesus & Pastor Zac asked us to consider which category we find ourselves in this day in light of Jesus' work:

THE SCRIBES: Do we have evil thoughts about Jesus? Are we marked by having untrue beliefs about Jesus?

THE CROWD: Are we interested in Jesus only when convenient? Are we marked by having a fascination with Jesus, but ultimately missing the point of the person & work of Jesus?

THE PARALYTIC/FRIENDS: Are we so convinced in the person & work of Jesus that nothing keeps us from worshipping Him? Are we marked by genuine faith that stands firm on the finished work of Jesus?