October 1, 2023
Ephesians 4:17-19
- Review: In Ephesians 4:1-3, believers are urged to “walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called…”. How would you measure your walk…your humility, gentleness, patience and forbearance this week? How do you proactively, with the Spirit’s help, maintain “the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace”?
- Considering verse 17, have you completely abandoned your former lifestyle? How are you doing with Paul’s urgent challenge to not live, not walk, not think like you did before you became a follower of Christ?
- From Acts 19: What kind of environment were the saints in Ephesus living in? How did Paul encourage and admonish them to live?
- How would you describe the culture believers live in today, either around the world or in your neighborhood? Give examples of practices that are contrary to God’s Word in our culture today. How can believers be distinct and hold fast to what is true according to Scripture even though it will be or is costly?
- What choices are you challenged to make in which others would see that you behave and believe in the light of the Scriptures; in which you show love, kindness and compassion to those that oppose you? How can you more consistently adhere to God’s Word in your workplace, home-life or personal relationships? Do you pray regularly for those who persecute you?
- What is an act of love or kindness you can show this week?
- For those that watch you, would they say this is true of you: “Obedience to Christ is not optional nor exceptional, it’s normal.”?
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