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November 20, 2022

Habakkuk 3:1-16

This week's sermon started by reviewing what we had learned from the previous 2 chapters of Habakkuk. Mainly, Habakkuk had questions about sin and how God was going to deal with it. However, Habakkuk wasn't entirely satisfied with God's first answer so he asks God to clarify His plan. After God's second response, Habakkuk trusts in the Lord. 

1. When you have questions that arise in your life, do you go straight to the Lord with them?

2. How do we respond in praise to God even when our questions aren't answered?

3. Have you ever asked God a question that you never got an answer to? What was it? 

4. One of the things that Habakkuk used to build his faith in God was remembering all the ways God had been faithful in the past. What, in God's Word, reminds you of His faithfulness?

5. Part of trusting in the Lord is having patience, especially in difficult times. How do we have patience and trust in the Lord when everything around us seems to be crumbling? 

6. As a group, name the areas in your life where you need to trust the Lord more and pray for each other to grow in those areas.