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November 10, 2019

Micah 6:1-8

1. Looking at Micah 6:1-2, we see the setting being developed of a courtroom where God has Micah serve as the prosecutor & creation as the first witness against the people. All of this is expressed well beforehand from Deuteronomy 4:25-26. Once again, we see how the Bible connects & is a coherent account. As you’ve read the Bible through the year so far, what other connections or new findings have you enjoyed?

2. Then in Micah 6:3, it begins with, “O my people…”, & it was said that this indicates love for the people. We are to understand that these charges are brought out of love with the hope of repentance. This question requires a bit of transparency, but how have you experienced the love of God where the end result was a repentant heart? How long did it take you to recognize that those circumstances & outcome were a result of God’s love?

3. In Micah 6:4-5, we see the proof of God’s love: 1) Redemption: moving from slavery to freedom through the price of a passover lamb, 2) Provision: providing godly leaders to take the people to the Promised Land, 3) Protection: from enemies who sought their harm, 4) Performing Miracles: Joshua 3:15 & the crossing of the Jordan River. These examples in the text are specific to Israel, but what are ways that you’ve seen God’s love demonstrated? What’s a way you have confidence that God truly loves?

4. From Micah 6:6-7, we get the response of Israel to the charge brought against them & the response is refusal to repent. They bring up various religious ways that they could appease God…but the whole point is that they want to continue in their sin. What are religious acts of today that people think will appease God, bribe God, or simply keep God happy?

5. Pastor Nate said, “God doesn’t want religious rituals; but repentant, obedient hearts.” How do you know whether you’re doing something out of religious obligation or out of a repentant, obedient heart?

6. Then in Micah 6:8, we see that the right response is to…1) act justly: to step up on behalf of the weak & powerless, 2) love kindness: gladly, generously, & faithfully love the downtrodden & hurting, 3) walk humbly with God: surrender your love to God’s Will. What are ways that you, your family, our church can be obedient in these ways?

7. Pastor Nate ended with 2 questions: 1) What sin do we refuse to repent of? & 2) Do you remember how much God love us?…Take time to reflect on your answers to these questions as appropriate…perhaps men should speak with men & women with women.