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May 16, 2021

Community Group Questions for May 16, 2021

Matthew 13:10-17:

Pastor Nate taught us why Jesus spoke in parables:

  • to fulfill Scripture (Isaiah 6:9-10)
  • to pronounce judgment on those who reject spiritual truth 

He also taught why those who reject spiritual truth do so:

  • because of their hard hearts
  • and because they have not received the special grace of God

1.  As we approach this passage, Pastor Nate reminded us that Jesus had just taught thousands of people from a boat in the sea of Galilee the parable of the sower.  We learned that when Jesus was teaching in parables, he was comparing or likening spiritual truth to common, observable, everyday objects for the purpose of explaining spiritual truth.  But, Jesus' audience does not comprehend the spiritual truth given through the parables.  The disciples are asking for clarification in Matt. 13:10.  How do you approach a difficult Biblical truth? How can we mirror the disciples example? Share with your group how you approach a difficult passage or Biblical truth.

2.  In verse 11, we learned that "secrets" refer to spiritual truth previously unknown.  "The disciples now understand spiritual truth previously unknown as a result of Jesus' parables." But the crowd does not.  Why not?

3.  As we consider the doctrine of election, Pastor Nate provided several Biblical passages to read: Matthew 11:25-27, Galatians 1:11-16, Ephesians 1:3-6, 2 Timothy 1:8-9 and Romans 1:18-32.  Read through a few of these together.  "It is God's perogative to reveal Himself to whomever He chooses."  How is this doctrine a stuggle for you? How is it a comfort? 

4.  We remembered that grace is: unmerited favor of receiving spiritual truth that we are completely, utterly, undeserving of.  We learned of the:

  • Common grace of God: is experienced by all humanity; examples are: the joy of friends, a beautiful sunset, taste of wonderful food....
  • Special grace of God:  is experienced by the elect; the elect are those chosen by God before the foundation of the world to be His people.

What do you think about common grace and special grace? How does learning this help you appreciate God's sovereignty? His love for you? 

5.  As we consider verses 13-17 and Isaiah's prophecy, what is the connection between Isaiah's audience and Jesus' audience? 

6.  Considering Titus 3:3-7 and our Matthew passage, contemplate the following questions:

  • Are you willing to trust the Lord on matters of doctrine that you struggle to grasp? Saying: "I don't get it, but my confidence is in You because You are good and You are working out all things for my good and Your glory."
  • Pastor Nate gave several examples of doctrine or Biblical truths.  What doctrine or Biblical truth are you currently dismissing or ignoring, which causes you to not live in light of those truths because you think God got it wrong.
  • How does your attitude about Biblical truth or knowing doctrine reveal that you are full of self, believing yourself to be wiser or purer than the all knowing, perfectly righteous, sovereign Creator of the Universe?
  • Are you seeking to be sound doctrinally?  Share how you would rate how theologically healthy you are.  Share helpful tools and practices to grow in this area.
  • Consider asking the Lord as you pray this week for yourself, your family, your group, that God might give us a humble delight in all Biblical truth for God's glory and our good, and that we might labor to grow in our understanding of God; that our praise of Him would resound in our homes, schools, and communities for the glory of God.