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March 3, 2024

  1. Read Eph. 5:8-14 to remind yourselves of the text preached this morning. 
  2. By way of reminder, what is an “indicative” and what is an “imperative?” And how do those two terms relate to the Christian? How do they relate to God and His Word? 
  3. What does it mean for our “practice” to match our “position” as followers of Christ? 
  4. What are the two imperatives given to believers in our text (see Eph. 5:11; Col. 3:1-10)? What are the two imperatives given to unbelievers in our text?
  5. Why are followers of Christ to abhor (hate), and “take no part in,” sin? Why is “walking in darkness” useless? Read Phil. 1:19-30 — how does this passage relate to why Christians are to “take no part in” sin and why “walking in darkness” is worthless? 
  6. Take a moment, on your own, to pray, to confess and repent of a sin your life that needs to be dealt with now. Then read 1 John 1:8-9 and be encouraged of what is promised for those who confess and repent of their sins. 
  7. What does it mean for believers to “expose” evil deeds by walking in righteousness? How do we “expose” the sinfulness of sin according to the text (see v. 12 of Eph. 5)? When is it appropriate to use words to “expose” sin? 
  8. Why does “holiness” matter? How does God use “holiness” to bring unbelievers from darkness to light? 
  9. Why is “exposing” sin a privilege and opportunity for you, as a believer, to display the love of Jesus Christ? 
  10. What does “Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you (v. 14)” mean? Who are these words speaking to? How can you, as a believer, use this text to share the Gospel with unbelievers? 
  11. After answering the questions above, turn to a person next to you and practice sharing the Gospel using this text!