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July 9, 2023

Ephesians 3:8-13

Paul was in jail in Rome when he wrote this letter, yet he doesn’t want the Ephesians to lose heart in his suffering. When Paul says he was the very least of all the saints, he was being genuine. From a former persecutor of Christians to now being an Apostle, we see from Paul that God can transform and use anyone he chooses. If you think Christ can’t save you, remember that Paul killed Christians, and God saved him. 

1. What have you done, or what weaknesses do you have that make you feel like God couldn’t use you?

2. Do you struggle with thinking you don’t deserve to be forgiven?

3. God not only forgave Paul but also used him in extraordinary ways. How does this encourage you?

4. How are you suffering right now? Share with your group and pray for each other.