January 8, 2023
Ephesians 1:1-2
- Have you ever heard a sermon series on the entire book of Ephesians? If so, do you remember anything from it? Is there anything in particular that you want to learn as MBC begins exploring this letter?
- At the beginning of the sermon, Pastor Nate called Paul’s letter to the church at Ephesus “strikingly beautiful, highly practical, and extremely challenging.” Which of those three descriptions stands out to you the most and why?
- What is Hermeneutics? What is Soteriology? What is Christology? What is Ecclesiology? What is Antinomianism?
- What are some false views of Salvation, Christ, the Church, and behavior that plague the Church today?
- Paul’s letter to the Ephesians is divided into two distinct parts. The first three chapters address __________________, while the last three chapters address ______________.
- Why are we prone to forgetting who we are in Christ?
- What is orthodoxy, and what is orthopraxy? Why are both critical to the Christian life?
- Share some facts about the Apostle Paul with one another.
- During the sermon, Pastor Nate quoted many verses of Ephesians from memory. Why is memorizing Scripture (hiding God’s Word in our hearts) important? Do you have any verses, passages, or books of the Bible that you hope to memorize in 2023?
- Spend some time praying that MBC would grow in the knowledge of Christ, love of Christ, and obedience to Christ for the building up of the body of Christ and the advance of the Good News of Christ for the glory of Christ.
- Spend some time praying that the pastors and directors of MBC would accurately, clearly, beautifully, and boldly proclaim God’s Word.
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