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January 21, 2024

Acts 20:17-38

1. Pastor Matt started the message by encouraging us to pray for Pastor Nate's back. Take an opportunity to pray for him with your group. 

2. Paul's humility is on full display in this passage as he seeks to make much of Christ and little of himself. How can we learn from this and grow in humility? 

3. Paul's mission was to make known the gospel and humbled himself to do so in whatever way God led him. Are you active in sharing the gospel or passive? How can you be more intentional in sharing the gospel in your life?

4. In light of Paul's life coming to an end, Pastor Matt asked the question "What will your legacy be? What will you be remembered for?" 

5. As Paul parts ways with the elders of Ephesus, he prays for, encourages, and exhorts them. How can you pray for, encourage, and exhort the leaders here at MBC?