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February 25, 2024

Deuteronomy 6:1-151. We started by talking about v 4 and the declaration of God’s name. One of the major points was that while living among people who worshipped multiple false gods, the one true God declared that there is one God. This belief would make God’s people distinct from other people. What are the false gods of our day that compete for our worship? In what ways are we distinct today by believing in the one true God?2. We then talked about v 5-9 and the duty of man. It was said that God’s people are to be motivated by the love of God that shapes and forms every facet of life. What practical ways can you be shaped more fully by knowing and loving God…When you wake up, work,  interact with family, and other elements of life?3. Finally, we talked about delighting in God’s grace in v 10-15. The fact that God’s people were told they would go into cities and enjoy all the houses, cisterns, vineyards, and olive trees to the point that they eat and full point to God’s grace. How do we see God’s grace in our lives? How do we explain to others that God’s grace is seen in the person and work of Jesus Christ?4. Finally, there was a call to think about where our confidence lies…is it in our own righteousness or the righteousness found in Jesus Christ? How can we know where our confidence in righteousness lies?