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December 19, 2021

Luke 2:8-20

Pastor Nate Wright


Read the passage together.  

1.  Consider your past week and share with your group how God used last weeks' message, (learning to increase in adoration of and emulation of the Lord Jesus Christ's humility), in your life, for your good, others' good and the glory of God.

2.  From Luke 2:8, we learned that the shepherds' presence reminds us that "God delights in using those we'd least expect to advance His Gospel for His glory." For what unsaved friend or family member does this give you courage to advance the Gospel in conversation this week?

3.  From verses 9-10 we learned that the "Gospel is a call to all".  What is produced by the Gospel?

4.  Where have you frantically turned for satisfaction of your soul this week instead of the Gospel?

5.  Luke 2:11 A Savior is "One who rescues and saves an individual from something and to something, that those individuals cannot save themselves from and to." 

  • From Matthew 1:18: who are the individuals that Jesus saves? 
  • Jesus has secured His peoples' salvation from their sins. John 3:16.  How does your life now exhibit the fact that, if you are a believer, your eternity in glory with Christ is secure and will be completely absent of sin, pain, death and suffering AND filled with goodness, love, peace and joy?  How are you telling and treasuring this truth NOW?

6.  "But God in His great mercy and love, crushed His Son, in our place so we could be God's friend, enjoying rich, deep relationship with God."  How does this truth encourage you that your relationship with Christ can grow richer or deeper?

7.  This Christmas, how will you "magnify God, individually and corporately, with your mind and your mouth for the glory of God"?  What changes could be made in your family's schedule so you can gather to tell about Christ corporately? What good, Gospel-inspired book, that will help you treasure the Gospel individually, do you keep putting off reading? Or what new book would you like to read?  How can Scripture memorization improve in your life or your family's life? How will you tell and treasure the Gospel?