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December 18, 2022

Luke 1:46-55

  1. Mary was not ashamed to publicly and personally praise God. Why do we sometimes struggle with praising God publicly and personally?  How has God helped you overcome your fear of exalting God in front of others?


  1. Mary proclaimed that God had done great things for her. Name a couple of great things that God has done for you.


  1. Why is it a big deal that Jesus saves His people from their sins? How has Jesus secured the salvation of His people from their sins?  When did Christ save you from your sins?


  1. What is justice? What is mercy? What is grace?
  • Share some ways that God has poured out His grace and mercy on you.


  1. Those who fear God live in awe of God; but what are the evidences that one lives in awe of God?


  1. Elizabeth’s proclamation of God’s greatness, goodness, and grace prompted Mary to praise God. Who do you have in your life that speaks truth to you that causes you to exalt God?  Who are you spurring on to praise God by reminding them of God’s greatness, goodness, and grace?