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August 8, 2021

MATTHEW 16:1-12

Read Matthew 16:1 - 4

  1. In verse 1 we observed that the Pharisees and Sadducees confronted Jesus.
  • Why were the Pharisees and Sadducees opposed to Jesus?
  • Why are people in opposition to Jesus today?
  • Why were you in opposition to Jesus before you were saved by His grace?

Read Matthew 16:5 – 12

  1. In our 2nd passage Jesus teaches the disciples that He will provide for their needs.
  • Why do we struggle at times to believe that Jesus will provide for our needs?
  • Recount a time in which Jesus provided a need for you.
  1. We also saw in verses 5 – 12 that the disciples were guilty of Truth Amnesia.
  • How can this be an encouragement for us as we follow Christ?
  • What are several ways in which we can guard ourselves and each other against Truth Amnesia?
  1. In verse 12 Jesus issues a warning to His disciples concerning the false teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
  • How do believers keep themselves from false teaching? (Read Acts 17:10, 11)
  • Do you receive the teaching of God’s Word with eagerness (readiness of mind) and examine it in light of Scripture?
  1. Lastly, do you have a religion or a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ?