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August 4, 2019

1 John 3:19-24

1. Pastor Zac began by connecting this set of verses with what is said in 1 John 3:18 & the issue of love being walked, and not just talked. What are examples of ways we can be tempted to only talk about love, rather than actually walking in love?

2. Then we saw in 1 John 3:19 that our walking in love serves to reassure us that we are of the truth. Pastor Zac said, “When we love as we should, it reminds our hearts of where our loyalty lies & reassures us that we belong to God.” How does following through in the love seen in 1 John 3:18 bring about assurance for the Christian?

3. As we looked at 1 John 3:20, we see that the heart can be deceitful. Pastor Zac alluded to this truth also being seen in Jeremiah 17:9. What are examples of how the heart can deceive us at times?

4. Verse 20 also shows us that the deception of the heart is countered as we remember that real forgiveness is found in Christ. This affirms the truth of 1 John 1:9. We heard that there are times where conviction of the heart is right & good, so all of this requires holding a tension: don’t minimize sin & don’t minimize the forgiveness found in the work of Christ. How do we hold that tension? Is there one that we tend to struggle with more than the other?

5. Next we looked at 1 John 3:21-22. One of the major points that was given about these verses is that they don’t lead to prosperity gospel (name it, claim it), but should lead to humility before the Lord & a desire that God’s Will be done. How does actively praying that God’s Will take place generate confidence for the Christian to pray?

6. John then gives 2 tests of salvation in 1 John 3:23: a doctrinal test & a moral test. When talking about the doctrinal test of exclusively believing in the Lord Jesus Christ, Pastor Zac urged us to devote ourselves to knowing Christ by being in the Bible regularly. How can you be intentional to devote time & energy to studying the Word of God faithfully? 

7. Finally, John makes it clear that those who keep the commands are those that abide in Christ. Pastor Zac said the themes of 1 John are tied together in this section: believe, love, & obey. Why is it important that we connect belief, love, & obedience? What happens when we neglect 1 of these components? 

8. Finally, Pastor Zac encouraged us to look back & see what God has done…to be amazed by the love of God that’s realized in the person & work of Jesus Christ…to see in our lives the way that God has worked to grow us in grace & knowledge. So as you finish, take time to praise God for His faithfulness & goodness.