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August 21, 2022

Matthew 27:11-26

Pastor Laurie Stuck


Pastor Laurie remarked: "This is a familiar passage.  The account is true; the people are real people."  We were reminded that these verses are in the context of Passover week. Thousands of people are in Jerusalem to commemorate the Exodus.  In a few hours, from this passage, Jesus will hang on the cross.  Jesus was in total control.

Read the passage together and pray.

1.  How would you describe Pilate's character qualities?  What were Pilate's concerns?

2.  What did Herod want?  See Luke 23:4-10.

3.  Considering also passages such as John 18:32-40, what character qualities do you see in Jesus?

4.  How does the crowd respond in Matthew 27:25?

5.  What was new to you concerning Barabbas' account?

6.  How does Isaiah 53, particularly verse 7 and 10, and Acts 2, particularly verse 23, shed light on Jesus' absolute control over the situation in verses 11-26?

7.  If the LORD Jesus Christ was not a victim of his disciples' betrayal, or of the Jewish High Priests, or the Jewish Supreme Court or of Pilate and Herod, then "what shall we do with Jesus"?  What are you doing with Jesus?  What sin or sins are you feeling the weight of lately, pressuring you to make the wrong decision?

8.  Read 1 Peter 2:24.  How will you give thanks for what Christ has done for you?  Pray together, giving thanks.