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August 15, 2021

Matthew 16:13-20

Pastor Nate Wright

Read Matthew 16:13-20 as a group.  Pastor Nate shared three things to notice about this passage:

  • The shocking location
  • Two momentous questions
  • People had an incomplete, inaccurate and insufficient view of Jesus' identity

1.  What was shocking about the location?  Who was the god some Gentiles worshiped in the area?  What example might Jesus be setting for us in verse 13?

2.  Momentous Question #1:  "Who do people say that the Son of Man is?"  What were the four false belief systems that Pastor Nate mentioned and why does it "really matter" if someone is caught up in a false belief?

3.  "No sinner is saved form eternal damnation by the sincerty of their faith...A sinner is saved by the object of their faith... Jesus Christ as revealed in the Word of God."  How do this truth impact your thoughts on your own faith or those you are praying to reach?

4.  Momentous Question #2:  v.15 "Who do you say that I am?"  What does it mean that Jesus is the Christ? Look to Hebrews 9:24-26 and Hebrews 10:19-22...What does Jesus do on our behalf as our great high priest? What does this mean to you today?

5.  Was the term "hypostatic union" new? Consider John 1...How does understanding that Jesus is the God-man give you confidence as you understand who Christ is and share Christ?  What does it mean to our culture today?

6.  As you dive into the Word of God, who are the trusted people you can discuss differing views with, and yet stay grounded in the Bible?  Share and discuss your view of Peter's statement in verse 18.

7.  How did Pastor Nate's explanation help with any confusion regarding verse 19?  

8.  When this week will you devote time to study and prayer, to decrease any insufficiency, inaccuracies or incomplete view(s) you may have and to increase your understanding of a proper, Biblical view of Jesus Christ? When will you celebrate and remember these truths with others this week?