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August 14, 2022


Matthew 27:1-10

1) Pastor Nate said we are all guilty of portraying to be someone who we are not. In other words, we are all guilty of being hypocrites. What is an area in your life where you have been a hypocrite? How do you wage battle against that and strive to live an honest and honoring life for Christ? 

 2) In verse 2, we see Jesus handed over to the authorities just as he predicted would happen, thus showing us the truth and reliability of God's Word. Do you appreciate the fact that we have the inerrant and infallible Word of God readily accessible to us? How can we not take this for granted? 

 3) Repentance of sin is three-fold: Remorse over sin, confession of sin, and turning from sin to Christ. We see that Judas was only remorseful. He didn't seek forgiveness from Christ. Judas thought he could get rid of his guilt of sin by his own will. Many people are remorseful but don't confess and turn from it. Why is that? By what power do we overcome sin? Who is the only one who can forgive us of our sins? 

4) We also see in this passage that the religious leaders had no compassion or tenderness toward the people under their care. What areas do you need to grow in compassion for others? How has God been compassionate towards you?  

5) If we are honest with ourselves, we place our hope in a lot of different things. What are some things or areas you tend to place your hope in? Why are we called to place our hope in Christ?  

*Pastor Nate talked about suicide in this message when referring to Judas hanging himself. If you are struggling with thoughts of suicide, we would encourage you to reach out to our Elders, who would love to help in getting you the proper care for your situation. That email is