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Tuesday: Daily Devotional

Tuesday: Daily Devotional


Exodus 20:4,You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.”

Happy Tuesday! This week and next week on MBC Youth Daily Devotionals, we will examine the “Ten Commandments.” Yesterday, we examined the First Commandment, and today, we will look at the Second Commandment. Many have simplified the Second Commandment to simply mean “do not make any idols” or “do not worship any idols.” As Christians, we are NOT to make or worship idols. The Second Commandment, however, does not just simply deal with that. It is good to note that the Second Commandment concerns how God, Yahweh, wants to be worshiped. God has specified numerous times throughout His Word how He wants to be worshiped. Concerning the Second Commandment, God has made clear that Christians are not to make “images” or “idols” to represent or caricature (meaning, “a picture, description, or imitation of a person/place/thing”) Him by use of anything He has made. Now, God is not saying we should not express our praise and worship of Him artistically. God is creative, and He has given people the ability to be creative for His glory. God is instead forbidding the praise and worship of man-made representations/objects. 

Additionally, as is revealed further in the New Testament by Christ and the New Testament writers, “idolatry” is not just trying to localize God (who is omnipresent, present everywhere and anywhere) who cannot be localized into a singular object and is spirit in form (John 4:24) but it is also taking anything that isn’t the One True God, and making it like God. This means that an “idol” is anything that you devote time and energy in, anything that you praise, enjoy, love, or trust more than God Himself. Again, that is not to say you can’t devote time and energy to other things, but instead, it means being careful not to make those things into God because there is only ONE God. As a Christian, it should be clear and evident in your life, thoughts, motivations, and actions that God is number one and that you praise and worship Him alone. God is the only one worthy of all your praise, worship, devotion, trust, and love because He is perfect, faithful, trustworthy, all-powerful, all-knowing, always present, and life-giving. Christ is the sustainer, provider, redeemer, and friend. Young believers, you need not put your trust in what will fade but put it into Him, who is eternal. Young believers, you need not fear or turn to things that will let you down, but be bold and courageous in Jesus Christ, who has saved you, sanctifies you by His Spirit, and seals you with the promise of eternal life. Read Ephesians 1:3-14 and see the many spiritual blessings and spiritual wealth you possess in Christ and know further why you need not turn to or make any idols. Worship the living and sovereign God, Jesus Christ. Take time today to examine what “idols” are present in your life — confess and repent of it, and turn to Jesus Christ! 14.2

Bible through the Year: Genesis 29-31; Romans 12