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Thursday: Daily Devotional

Thursday: Daily Devotional


Exodus 20:8, “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.” 

It’s Thursday! This week and next week, we will examine the Ten Commandments, and today, we will examine the Fourth Commandment. Every aspect of Israel’s life was to reflect the fact that they belonged to God. Every aspect of the Christian life is to display that they belong ot God. Whether in worship or day-to-day life, the people of God were to be set apart for His praise and glory. The weekly work schedule that culminated in a day of rest (six work days and one day of rest) was a pattern set forth by God for His people to follow. Rest is a good thing. Rest is God’s idea, and He led by example after finishing His work of creation; He rested on the seventh day (Genesis 2:1-3). God set forth an ethic (a set of principles) for work and rest. The Sabbath, or Saturday, was to be a day of rest for the people of God after working Sunday through Friday. It is good to work, and it is good to rest. A nice balance of work and rest is good for you and spiritually beneficial. Now, the beauty of the Sabbath day was not just that it was a day of rest from physical work, but it was a day for which the people of God could be spiritually refreshed, draw near to God without any distractions, and spend time cultivating their relationship with God and each other. It is the Lord’s Day, made for the people of God to be refreshed and nourished. It is also the kind of rest that reflected what was going on in the Garden of Eden before the Fall when man was in this harmonious relationship with God and enjoyed peace with God, each other, and creation overall. So, what does the Fourth Commandment have to do with you? How should you think about it? 

Well, first, be encouraged and comforted because your Sabbath Rest is found in the person and work of Jesus Christ. In Christ, you have rest, that is peace with God. In Christ, you have rest, a future without any sin, pain, sorrow, or weariness. In Christ, you have rest, that is, assurance of faith, assurance of things to come, and assurance of the great spiritual treasures promised. In Christ, you have rest, that is because He is with you till the end of time and with you in eternity. Second, there must be a time in your life that is kept wholly and entirely to the praise and worship of the Lord. A day of rest where you spend time with saints, gathered together with brothers and sisters in Christ, having your souls refreshed by the preaching of God’s Word, the singing of hymns and spiritual songs, and the mutual edification of believers found in fellowship. Nowadays, Sunday is a day like that, and I encourage you, young believers, not to neglect the gathering of God’s people. Do not neglect to go to church and worshipping God. Do not neglect serving God and His people. As you mature and grow as a Christian, you’ll learn and realize that time spent in the Church, under the ministry of God’s Word, and with other believers is a form of rest that breathes a breath of fresh air into your spiritual lungs. Do not neglect youth group because it is an opportunity provided by the church for you to worship alongside your peers, grow further in your knowledge of God’s Word, and be discipled by older believers who want you to know the love of Christ, the hope of Christ, and the joy of Jesus Christ. Think about the “rest” you have in Christ today and thank God for it. 


Bible through the Year: Genesis 34-35; Romans 14