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Matthew 2:1-12

1. We began by looking at the details of the account concerning Herod, the chief priests & the scribes.

Q: In verse 1, Matthew again gives a statement that speaks to the historicity of Jesus’ birth: it really happened. As you reflect on Christmas, how did believing that Jesus was born change the way you approached Christmas?

Q: We also see that it gives us the location of the birth: Bethlehem. This speaks to the fulfillment of a Messianic prophecy in Micah 5:2. It shows that God is faithful. As you look back on 2016, how has God proven Himself to be faithful in your life & in our church’s life?

Q: Herod was king, but he was a king that led by fear…he was easily threatened. The chief priests & scribes eventually land in the same position…feeling threatened. What about Jesus would be threatening to King Herod or the religious leaders of that time?

Q: When thinking about our current times, what threatens people concerning Jesus? How do people try to minimize & even eliminate Jesus today?

2. We then talked the Magi & the details of their journey.

Q: As we began to talk about the Magi, we heard, “Those who trust Jesus will do everything they can do elevate Him.” When thinking about your own life or what you’ve seen in others, how have you seen this to be true: trusting Jesus leads to a desire to elevate Jesus?

Q: The details of the account often get misinterpreted or completely misunderstood. What does this teach us about the importance of reading these familiar accounts carefully & slowly?

Q: It was said that they travel somewhere around 900-1000 miles to see Jesus. They had a purpose in their travels: worship. When talking about worship at MBC, we say that worship is setting our MIND’S ATTENTION & our HEART’S AFFECTION on the GLORY OF GOD. What does this statement about worship mean to you?

Q: We ended by talking about their tenacity: they risked & persevered to see Jesus. Jesus was worthy of this kind of tenacity & He is still worthy today. As you prepare to enter into 2017, what would it look like for you to tenaciously worship God this upcoming year?