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November 3rd, 2024

1.) When we are unified in one mind in the gospel we have rich fellowship, rich refreshment, and rich gratitude for and from each other. How have you experienced these things at MBC?

2.) Nate spoke of the “goodness” and “pleasantness” of dwelling in unity. What are some practical ways we can cultivate this unity in our church community?

3.) We were created to worship God exclusively. How can we guard against distractions or competing loyalties in our worship?

4.) How does our unity in worship at church reflect the eternal worship we will experience in glory? What aspects of this future unity give you hope and motivation today?

5.) Nate mentioned that the gospel enables us to be “knit together.” How does reflecting on the gospel daily impact your ability to live in harmony with others?

6.) Unity in the church must be protected at all costs. How can we actively protect our unity and not fall into the temptation of thinking that we have “arrived”?

7.) What are some common “sacred cows” or personal preferences that can hinder unity in the church? How can we focus more on Christ and less on these “issues”?

8.) Reflecting on our unique gifts and backgrounds, how can you live your life in a way that “nourishes” both believers and unbelievers around us?