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September 26, 2021

Matthew 18:1-9


1) Did you spend time praying this week? What things did you pray for?


2) Jesus tells the disciples that they must be humble like children in order to enter the kingdom. 

a) What sort of things make us proud and un-humble?

b) Since our lives depend on it, how can we become more humble?

c) Who are examples of humbleness, either in the Bible or in your life, that we can learn from?


3) One of the ways we embrace and love Jesus is by embracing and loving His people. 

a) We have lots of differences. How can we still love each other and have unity?

b) How can we avoid causing one another to stumble?


4) We are called to be drastically different than the world. 

a) Which areas of our life bring temptation?

b) Do you have the capability and the willingness to cut those areas off?

c) Particularly Pastor Matt emphasized the sins of gossip, materialism, pride, and sexual immorality. Which ones appear in your life and where do they appear?

d) What needs to be done in our lives in order to get rid of sin?


5) It seems as though three questions Pastor Matt asked summarize the passage…

a) How seriously do we treat sin?

b) How highly do we value righteousness?

c) Are we children of God?