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September 13, 2020

Matthew 8:14-17

1) Together with your group, reflect on your spiritual disciplines (prayer, fasting, Bible-reading, meditation, study, confession, self-examination, etc.)

A) What is your most healthy spiritual discipline?

B) What is your weakest spiritual disciple?


2) Most likely Peter's mother served Jesus by providing a meal.

A) In what ways do you tangibly serve Jesus and His people?

B) In what ways are you able to serve tangibly?

C) Whom have you seen serve well at MBC?


3) Over the past few weeks, we have seen Jesus heal a leper, the servant of a centurion, and a woman.

A) What is the significance of Jesus healing these people?

B) Who are the most marginalized in our society?

C) Who do we neglect sharing the gospel with because of their identity or group identity?


4) In verse Matthew 8:16, many people are bringing their burdens and the burdens of others to Jesus.

A) Would we be a part of that group trusting Jesus by bringing our burdens to Him?

B) Do we bring our burdens and the burdens of others to Jesus, or do we first seek refuge somewhere else?