October 6, 2019
Micah 1
1. Pastor Nate began with the reasons that pastors stay away from teaching the prophets…but why do you think most people, even those that are in the church, often dodge time in the Old Testament prophets?
2. How does 2 Timothy 3:16-17 give us encouragement as we make our way into parts of the Bible that are unfamiliar or uncomfortable for us initially?
3. From Micah 1:2-5, we saw that God will do away with military strongholds & centers for false religious activity…that God will rid the people of their sources of trust & affection. So how does this removal serve as an example of God’s lovingkindness? Why is it important to connect God’s right judgment with God’s love & care?
4. Pastor Nate also made mention of the fact that the actions seen in Micah 1:2-5 are driven by poor leadership. It was said that leaders will either lead others towards God or away from God. So how do we recognize where a leader is taking us?
5. We know from history that what is described in Micah 1:6-7 comes to pass in 722 BC through Assyria. We’ve seen this pattern before: the Word of God says something & we now see how it came to fruition. How does seeing that what the Bible says is ultimately realized in history give us confidence concerning the Bible?
6. We also see in Micah 1:6-7 that God hates idolatry. It was said on Sunday that idolatry robs God of the glory He deserves & robs humanity of the joy found in worshiping the one, true God. Does anything change when you see the idols of life as being a cruel master that robs?
7. One of the most interesting parts of Micah 1 is found in Micah 1:8 in his response to the news of impending destruction…lament. What brings about the response of lament in our lives? How does what we lament over reveal our true priorities?
8. Then in Micah 1:9-16, we see various cities’ names & meanings being used to describe coming destruction should repentance not take place. This led to a focus on the definition of genuine, Biblical repentance: a recognition of one’s sin, remorse over one’s sin, resentment towards one’s sin, resolve to fight one’s sin, righting the wrong of one’s sin (Luke 19:1-10), & redirection away from one’s sin. In what ways do we find ourselves needing to grow in our repentance? In our lives, how is genuine repentance connected to gospel conviction?
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