October 24, 2021
Matthew 19:1-12
Pastor Matt started with this sentence as we approach a difficult text like this one. "We Comfort with Love, Confront with Truth, in the Hope of Obedience."
1) How was it that the Pharisees were trying to trap Jesus? Why was their question tricky?
2) How does Jesus handle the question from the Pharisees?
B) What can we learn about the Bible by the way He answers?
3) Is it appropriate for any Christian to hold a position of marriage other than between a biological male and a biological woman?
B) Why does the world so badly want to alter this definition?
4) What does it mean for man and wife to "hold fast to one another" and become "one flesh"?
5) Why was it that the law and Moses permitted divorce?
B) What is the only permissible reason for divorce given by Jesus?
C) What is the only permissible reason for remarriage given by Jesus?
6) What does this passage mean for singles?
B) How can we better support and encourage those who are single?
C) Is being single the plan B, the sub-optimal solution?
7) How can we help those who are married build healthy marriages?
8) With this text, how can we comfort with love and confront with truth in the hopes of producing obedeince?
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