November 8, 2020
Matthew 9:27-31
1. Pastor Nate began by addressing a common question: "What's the purpose of Jesus' physical healings in the Bible?"
How would you answer this question if someone asked you?
How do miracles, such as the one in this passage, demonstrate that Jesus is God?
2. In Matthew 9:27, we noted the dogged determination of these blind men.
These men had desperation...what are the ways desperation can be used for evil? How can desperation be used for good?
These men also had a comprehension of Jesus & His does the knowledge that Jesus is the Messiah connect to living a determined life for His glory?
At this point, Pastor Nate made mention of the fact that everyone is NOT a child of God...but a creation of God. Children of God are those that belong to God by the grace of God through repenting of sin & trusting in Jesus Christ. How important is it to understand that everyone is not a child of God by default?
Finally, these men had a comprehension of their own condition & they plea for mercy because of would you explain the condition of humanity apart from Christ?
3. In Matthew 9:28-29, we see Jesus engage at this moment.
How do these instances described in the gospel of Matthew show the patience & tenderness of Jesus? How does this encourage us to approach God?
4. As Jesus asks the question of their faith, they respond, "Yes, Lord." We heard that the key ingredient to faith is the object of the faith...not the quality/intensity/sincerity of the faith.
We heard an example of this with the Passover that led to the Exodus...what are other examples of the object of faith making all the difference?
How does the truth that the object of faith matters most encourage you?
5. After Jesus heals these men, we see in Matthew 9:30-31 that they are told to stay quiet...but instead go & "spread his fame through all that district."
We know from reading the Bible that the people of Jesus' time had false expectations concerning the role of the Messiah...what would you say is the main purpose of Jesus' ministry & work?
We ended by hearing that even though our faith is fickle...the good news is that Jesus is always faithful to us no matter what. How does the faithfulness of Jesus compel you to worship Him?
How can you worship the Lord faithfully this week?
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