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November 27, 2022

 HABAKKUK 3:17-19

  1. Today was it…the end of Habakkuk! What would you say was your biggest takeaway from the book?
  2. One of the first things mentioned was that the situation remained the same as it was at the beginning of the book (not good in a variety of ways). So with that being the case, how does that speak to joy not being found in your circumstances? What are ways people think a change in circumstances will fix the lack of joy in life?
  3. In v. 17, Habakkuk gives a vivid description of the losses that will soon come. How can difficult moments, as described in v. 17 & in our own lives, offer a unique opportunity to glorify God?
  4. In v. 18, the phrase that Pastor Matt used to describe Habakkuk at this moment was “real, rugged, relentless joy.”  Unpack these distinctions a bit more…what does it look like to have real, rugged, relentless joy?
  5. With v. 19, Habakkuk reaches the end of his words & speaks with confidence that embodies Habakkuk 2:4. One thing that was said was that “He (Habakkuk) keeps trusting in the sovereign who is over all things…both the calm and the chaos…the silence and the storm…the exile and the enduring kingdom to come.” What Bible passages come to mind as encouragement that God is worthy of trust in all circumstances? Are there any passages that you would want to try to memorize over the end of 2022?
  6. The last part of the book of Habakkuk points out that this is a song to be sung…so what songs do you like to sing to remind you of Scriptural truths?
  7. We ended with a word of encouragement: that we, as the people of God, have lasting hope in Jesus Christ. How can you, as a group, encourage one another to remember the hope that’s found in Jesus Christ this week?