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March 1, 2020

Matthew 4:18-25

One of the first things discussed in the message is the shocking nature of the narrative found in Matthew 4:18-22. Pastor Nate spent time talking about the 4 reasons: Education, Operation, Promotion & Position.

1. Original audiences would’ve immediately realized these first disciples weren’t the intellectual elite as they were learning the family trade of fishing rather than attending classes. So how does Jesus’ selecting of these men highlight the grace of God rather than their own accomplishments? How can we take more time to reflect on the grace of God at work in our own lives?

2. Pastor Nate also mentioned that the typical path of discipleship was based on merit; while Jesus’ approach to discipleship was rooted in grace. How is a relationship with God impacted if it is built on your work versus if it is built on God’s grace?

Then we went through & discussed 5 implications of what it means to follow Christ based on Matthew 4:19.

3. First, we heard that to follow Christ is to abandon sin & self for the glory of God. What are ways you can fight worldliness in your life? What are ways you can intentionally pursue holiness in your life?

4. We also heard that to follow Christ is to have a joyful dependence on God’s grace as it is God who makes fishers of men. Pastor Nate used Peter as an example of one who is used by God as he depends on God by referencing Peter’s sermon in Acts 2. What are other examples that come to mind of those who were used by God as they depended upon God?

5. Next, we heard that to follow Christ is to seek to adhere to the Word of God. Looking at James 1:22, what makes it so tempting to only be a hearer of God’s Word rather than a doer of God’s Word?

6. Then we heard that to follow Christ is to have total trust in God’s authority. This was a question posed in the message: in what aspects of life are we resisting God’s rule?

7. Finally, we saw from Matthew 28:19-20 that to follow Christ is to have urgent obedience to His mission. What are ways you can make known the gospel this week to those around you?

Pastor Nate ended by looking to Matthew 19:27-29 to answer the question of why…why follow Jesus, why suffer, why be devoted?

-Take time to thank God for the gift of eternal life that’s realized in Jesus Christ.