June 14, 2020
Matthew 6:9-15
1) The Disciples Model Prayer (DMP) is not a group of words designed to be repeated over and over again. Jesus in last week's passage instructed that his followers should not repeat the same phrases over and over.
a) How should we view the DMP?
b) How should we use the DMP?
2) We should pray to our Father who is in heaven (Matthew 6:9). Which also calls attention to the gospel. We have been adopted into God’s family.
a) Why is it important to view God as our Father?
b) Do you struggle with the idea of God as Father?
c) Why is it so important that we pray to God alone and not to other people or spiritual beings?
3) Jesus teaches us to hallow God’s name (Matthew 6:9).
a) What’s does it mean to hallow God’s name?
Pastor Nate asked these questions,
PN1) Do you humbly acknowledge the unrivaled greatness of God in your prayers?
PN2) Do you recount His wonderful acts?
PN3) Do you make much of God in your prayer?
b) How can we glorify God better in our prayers?
4) Matthew 6:10 expresses a desire for God to establish his kingdom. Revelation 21:4 explains that when God comes He will wipe away the tears from their eyes and suffering will be no more.
a) How often do we consider future things?
b) How often do we pray and hope for God’s future kingdom?
5) Matthew 6:11 expresses an attitude of God dependency as opposed to self-sufficiency. We have an abundance of food and are not normally in danger of not eating.
a) How do we avoid a mindset of self-sufficiency and humbly trust in God instead?
6) Matthew 6:12 and Matthew 6:14-15 establish the importance of forgiveness. We are not forgiven because we forgive others, that would pervert the grace of God. Instead, we are taught that we forgive others because God has been gracious and has forgiven us. We no longer stand condemned but have been adopted into God’s family.
a) Why should we continue asking God for forgiveness for sins we commit?
b) How would you answer someone who says that Christians do not need to ask God for forgiveness?
c) Do you struggle with forgiving others?
d) How can we forgive others better?
7) Matthew 6:13 teaches us to ask God for deliverance from sin and temptation. We do not have the power in and of ourselves to refrain from sin. This should not be used as an excuse to sin, but as a reason to ask God for help. He is able to keep us from sin!
a) Are you trusting in yourself to kill sin, or are you trusting God and His faithfulness?
b) How can we better trust God in our battles against sin?
8) The DMP expresses a model of humility before God and trust in God through prayer.
a) How can we better practice humility and trust?
b) How does our humility and trust glorify God?
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