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July 14, 2024

Psalm 22

1. Opening Lament (Verses 1-2):
   - What emotions does the psalmist express in the opening verses of Psalm 22?
   - How do these feelings of abandonment and distance from God resonate with personal experiences of suffering or distress?

2. Trust in God (Verses 3-5):
   - Despite his suffering, the psalmist recalls God’s past faithfulness. How does remembering past deliverances provide comfort in times of trouble?
   - Can you share an instance where remembering God's past faithfulness helped you through a difficult period?

3. Personal Suffering (Verses 6-8):
   - How do the mockery and insults described in these verses relate to the experiences of Jesus as depicted in the New Testament?

4. Dependence on God (Verses 9-11):
   - The psalmist speaks of his lifelong dependence on God. How does this lifelong trust contrast with his current feelings of abandonment?

5. Desperation and Prayer (Verses 12-21):
   - What specific threats and dangers does the psalmist describe in these verses?
   - How does the detailed description of his suffering serve as a form of prayer and plea for deliverance?

6. Transition to Praise (Verses 22-24):
   - How does the tone of the psalm shift in these verses from lament to praise?
   - What reasons does the psalmist give for praising God despite his suffering?

7. Promise of Public Declaration (Verses 25-26):
   - The psalmist promises to declare God's name to his brothers. How important is it to share testimonies of God’s deliverance with others?
   - In what ways can public declarations of faith impact a community?

8. Universal Praise (Verses 27-31):
   - What vision does the psalmist have for the future in these verses?
   - How does the universal praise described here relate to the themes of suffering and deliverance earlier in the psalm?

9. Messianic Prophecy:
   - As we discussed, Psalm 22 is a messianic prophecy. How do the experiences of the psalmist foreshodow the suffering and crucifixion of Jesus?
   - In what ways does this psalm deepen your understanding of the New Testament accounts of Jesus?