January 5th, 2025
Exodus 1:1-7
1.) What stood out to you from this week's sermon?
2.) What is one thing you hope to learn from the book of Exodus?
3.) How does the Old Testament help you understand God and the gospel?
4.) What Old Testament narrative have you read that has given you a greater understanding of God and the gospel?
5.) Nate mentioned some fascinating events and circumstances from Genesis. What are some events in Genesis that you find fascinating?
6.) What did you learn or were reminded of from when Pastor Nate explained who the individuals from Exodus 1:1-7 were?
7.) We saw God's promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob being fulfilled. What is one promise of God that you struggle to cling to and what is one promise that you clearly have seen throughout your life?
8.) What does it mean to fix our attention on God, and how can we practically do this in our daily lives?
9.) How does fixing our affection on God shape the way we view our desires and priorities?
10.) What are some ways we can intensify our allegiance to God, and what challenges might we face in doing so?
- Nate exhorted us to fix our attention, fix our affection, and intensify allegiance for God. Spend time praying that we embody these exhortations personally, and as a church body.
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