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January 19, 2020

Matthew 3:7-12

1. Today’s passage started with v. 7 & a quick explanation of the Pharisees & Sadducees. John uses the term, “brood of vipers” to describe these religious leaders as they were hypocrites. What is it about hypocrisy that makes it where all people loathe it?

2. Then in v. 8, John makes a public challenge to the Pharisees & Sadducees… “bear fruit in keeping with repentance.” Why is it important to connect repentance with genuine transformation? How does genuine transformation validate repentance?

3. From v. 9, John addresses the bad theology that he knew would be coming…concerning heritage & salvation. Pastor Nate mentioned that salvation is always dependent upon God’s grace…how does this view of salvation (based on God’s grace) give glory to God for salvation? What are the ways people can rob glory from God when thinking about salvation?

4. Then in the second half of v. 9, John speaks of the greatness of God…He can even bring lifeless stones into the family! Pastor Nate spoke of how the view at the time was that Gentiles were spiritually lifeless & dull…how does the fact that God regenerates all sorts of people speak to the greatness of God?

5. There is a warning given in v. 10 & in v. 12 as well: repent now as the Day draws near! Based on this warning, it was said that “repentance that’s not leading to sanctification is worthless.” How have you seen the process of sanctification at work in your life over the past year?

6. Pastor Nate highlighted baptism based on v. 11 & cautioned us to not be man-centric when it comes to baptism…rather we are to be God-centric as we think through this matter. So how can we be careful to see baptism as a God-centric work?

7. We ended by noting from the middle of v. 11 that John’s disposition was humility when it came to Christ…he had a proper perspective of himself & of Christ. This is compared to the view of the Pharisees & Sadducees…who made nothing of Jesus & made much of themselves. So how can you be more intentional to make much of Christ in your life? How can we, as a church family, be