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December 22, 2019

Matthew 2:1-11

1. We began by hearing about the wise men of Matthew 2:1. Pastor Nate mentioned that they were astrologers from over 1,000 miles away most likely who made a costly trip in terms of time, finances, & risk. One thing said at this point was that “there is a cost to worshipping Jesus, but there is no cost too great to worship Him.” What do we see as the cost of worshipping Jesus in our own context?

2. We then looked at the opponents of Jesus that are discussed in Matthew 2:3-4. The first opponent is King Herod, who was hungry for power & yet insecure in his power. From Matthew 2:7, we see these traits on display as King Herod pretends to worship Jesus when in reality Herod opposes Jesus. What are ways selfishness or insecurity manifest themselves in our own lives & compete against true worship of God?

3. The second opponent seen in the passage is the chief priests & scribes. What is most terrifying about this group is that they knew the Scriptures, yet were hostile to Jesus. They knew the truth, yet unmoved by the truth…they wouldn’t even make the short trip to see Jesus for themselves. What are examples in our own time of being unwilling to give things up in order to worship Jesus?

4. The star is mentioned on 4 occasions in this passage, and Pastor Nate said that the star fulfills Old Testament prophecies (see Numbers 24:15-19) & also the immeasurable greatness of God in wielding the universe to display the glory of Jesus. How does understanding that God is over the arrangement of stars give us confidence in His might?

5. Then we looked at Matthew 2:10 & the excitement of the wise men. They were excited because they knew enough to risk & worship Jesus…and because they understood the privilege of worship. What are ways we can be intentional to understand the gift of worshipping Jesus, of setting our mind’s attention & heart’s affection on God & His glory?

6. Then we saw from Matthew 2:11 that the wise men, “fell down & worshipped Him.” The response was in light of the fact that Jesus is vastly superior to them. What does glad & eager worship look like in your life? How does a conviction that Jesus is vastly superior to all compel us to worship the Lord fervently?