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May 8, 2022

Matthew 24:15-28

Pastor Nate Wright


The Olivet Discourse is found in Matthew, beginning in chapter 24, verse 3 and continues through chapter 25.

1.  Since we've been studying the Olivet Discourse, what have you found interesting, insightful or new?

2.  Pastor Nate taught and reminded us that there are two questions Jesus is answering within the Olivet Discourse: (1) When will the destruction of Jerusalem take place and (2) When will Jesus come and set up His Kingdom on earth. Considering verse 15 of Matthew 24, along with Daniel 8:13, 9:27 and 11:31, we learned that Jesus' predictions always come true because He is utterly reliable.  We can completely trust Him and His Word.  In what areas of your life have you learned or are you learning to trust Him and His Word and in what area of your life are you not trusting Him and His Word?

3. In verse 16, Jesus issues a broad and urgent command, reinforced by two specific commands in verses 17-18.  What are those commands and why did He give them?

4.  What is so compassionate and mindful about the "alas" Jesus gives in verse 19?  When has Christ extended compassion and mindfulness to you, and you missed it?  How is Christ extending mindfulness to you now?

5.  How did God extend even more kindness and compassion on His people in verses 20-22? (Think about the prayer Jesus asked His disciples to pray.)

6.  Pastor Nate shared that the "elect" means:  "Those whom God sovereignly chose before the world began to be members of His family not because of their works but because of His grace, mercy and love."  How does your story of becoming one of God's elect, speak of God's grace, mercy and love? When was your latest opportunity to share of God's grace, mercy and love to someone else?  

7.  Considering the doctrine of election, what feelings does it stir up for you?  Do you complain about it or feel anger?  Does it comfort you or cause you to rejoice?  How does the significance of this fact, that God the Father, not reluctantly or under compulsion but graciously and gladly chose you, if you believe in Christ, as His son or daughter bear weight on your current circumstances?

8.  Reviewing verses 23-26, what makes false teachers so dangerous?  "A preacher's or teacher's or evangelist's or elder's worth is not found in ___________ but in the _________ they bring."

9.  Do Jesus' words only apply to what happened in the past? 

Three viewpoints to consider:

  • Preterist View:  Jesus' words only apply to what happened in the past.
  • Futurist View:   Jesus' words only apply to what will happen in the future, when Jesus returns.
  • Historicist View:  Jesus' words do address the destruction of the temple in AD 70 and also serve as a picture of what will happen upon Christ's return.

Three instructions:

  • Read the Olivet Discourse several times.  
  • Ponder what position you may take.
  • Talk to fellow MBC-ers on what their position is and why, with humility and thoughtfulness.

10.  Why and how does the Olivet Discourse give us hope, even as the passage we looked at today, ends with a dire warning for unbelievers?  Share how Romans 8:38-39 also encourages believers even as we doubt and are unfaithful.

A source to consider:

Matthew: A Parascriptural Gospel Narrative by Dennis Cornish                                          You can find this is our MBC Library.

Terms and people to research and consider for more in-depth study:

  • Preterist, Futurist and Historicist
  • Eschatological or eschatology
  • The destruction of the temple in AD 70
  • Roman General Titus
  • Ruler Antiochus IV and 167 BC