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August 7, 2022


1) This passage was looked at from two different points of view; Peter's and Christ's. When looking at from Peter's point of view, what were the things that stood out to you in this passage? 

 2) When Peter denies knowing Christ the first time, he acts like he knows nothing about what the servant girl is talking about. In other words, he plays dumb. Have you ever done this? Have you ever played dumb when it comes to knowing Christ? Maybe you have acted different in the presence of non-believers? Why?

 3) Peter then got confronted again and this time he swore on an oath, meaing he swore to God that he didn't know Christ. Why do people make oaths? Have you ever made an oath? Why did Jesus tell us it's wrong to make oaths? 

4) The third time that Peter denies Christ, he goes more extreme and calls down a curse on himself if he's lying. Why did Peter go to this extreme to deny Christ? Have you ever done something extreme to get out of a situation?  

5) This passage ends with Peter realizing the sin he has just committed. Peter weeps bitterly over his sin, the first sign we see of his true repentance. When was the last time you were truly greived over your sin? How often do you repent and ask forgiveness of your sins?

6) We also see the love and mercy Christ has for Peter in this passage. How does this reminder of His love cause us to hate our sin and live for Him daily? In what ways can you serve Christ daily?