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August 11, 2024

Psalm 98

  • In verse 1, the psalmist mentions God’s “right hand and his holy arm” gaining victory. How do you see God’s power and holiness at work in the world today?
  • Verses 2-3 highlight God’s salvation and righteousness being revealed to all nations. How does this universal scope of God’s salvation impact our approach to sharing the gospel? How does this point to Jesus? 
  • The psalmist emphasizes that God has remembered His steadfast love and faithfulness to the house of Israel. How do you see God’s faithfulness in your life and in the church, and how does that encourage you during difficult times?
  • In verses 4-6, the psalmist calls for a joyful noise to the Lord with various instruments. How can we incorporate more expressions of joy and praise in our worship, both individually and as a community?
  • Verses 7-8 describe nature itself rejoicing before the Lord. What can we learn from creation about worshiping God? 
  • The psalm concludes with the anticipation of the Lord coming to judge the earth with righteousness and equity. How does the promise of God’s just judgment shape your understanding of justice and mercy in your daily life?
  • Psalm 98 calls for exclusive worship of the Lord for His mighty works. What idols compete for your worship, and how can you guard your heart against them?
  • The communal aspect of worship in Psalm 98 shows the people coming together to praise God. How does spending time together as a church community strengthen our faith and help us grow in our relationship with God and each other?