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Vision Sunday

1. We started by talking about why we were having a Vision Sunday.

A: The first reason given was that it is easy for us to forget what God has done among us. How does reflecting on God’s work in your life/our church lead us to praise God?

B: The second reason given was that we want to move forward, “striving side by side for the faith of the gospel.” How does a church’s unity in purpose honor the Lord?

2. Next we talked about what has taken place over the past year.

A: We first talked about how we had many in our church family who experienced sorrow with the loss of a loved one. How can we as a church continue to care for those who are dealing with grief?

B: We also talked about how this year we saw growth in a variety of ways: staff additions, numbers of people attending, & spiritual growth. What is a specific way you’ve seen growth in your own life? 

3. We then talked our church’s mission, what we are to do as a church body.

A: We heard that MBC exists to glorify God by MAKING Him known, BUILDING disciples, & CULTIVATING community. How should these 3 aspects of our mission connect? What role can you play in seeing these 3 aspects continue to happen through MBC?

B: Pastor Nate said, “By the grace of God, we are on the supreme mission…the mission that superior to all other missions: to make Christ known so that those who don’t know Christ would come to know Christ & that those who do know Christ would grow in Christ.” What happens when a person really believes that this is the supreme mission?

4. We then looked at how we go about accomplishing the mission.

A: Based on a variety of passages (Romans 10; John 17; 2 Tim 4), we talked about how we must be a church that preaches, teaches, & discusses God’s Word soundly, robustly & consistently in every ministry. Why is it so vital to hold tight to God’s Word in everything we do? Why is it so challenging to preach/teach/discuss God’s Word soundly/robustly/consistently?

5. Next we talked about potential traps for us as a church moving forward.

A: Pastor Nate mentioned 3 sins specifically: gods/idols, gossip, & greed. How can each of these sins be destructive in the life of a church? How do these sins show us that sin isn’t private…but has effects beyond our own lives?

B: We were then challenged to examine how we spend our money: specifically on various liquids…the challenge was given to give an additional $10 that would typically go towards liquids & instead give towards gospel advancement for the remaining 48 weeks of 2018. How can this intentional discipline bring glory to God? How can we encourage one another to be intentionally disciplined?

C: We also talked about complacency & the challenge of being satisfied versus having a holy discontent. What does it look like to have a holy discontent? What is an area of life where you have a holy discontent & want to see God work in new ways?

6. We ended with a quote from C.T. Studd: “Only one life, ’twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last.”

A: Pastor Nate gave a second challenge to us: to make 2018 the year where we bring someone to hear the gospel at MBC. So who is a person that comes to mind that you want to invite to hear the truth of the gospel this year?

B: When thinking about this quote, what is something you can do this year that would be done for Christ & last?