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Romans 1:18-23

1.We began by introducing the main issue of this passage: Paul explaining why God pours out His wrath on humanity.

A: We all have either felt or talked with people who feel that God demonstrating wrath is wrong or unfair. How have you typically interacted with people when they feel this way? OR How were you treated when you felt this way?

B: Pastor Nate said that when Christians are uninformed or lack knowledge on the major questions within our culture, we are dishonoring God. How does a lack of knowledge or information miss an opportunity to bring glory to God?

C: We also heard about an atheist who early in life asked a valid question concerning the Christian faith & was blown off by her parent. How does hearing this make every encounter, every conversation, matter even more?

2.We then talked about how Paul addresses the issue of God having the right to pour out His wrath.

A: In v. 19, we see that a general knowledge of God is revealed in an unmistakable, unmerited, & universal way. Why is it important to see that God reveals Himself so clearly?

B: In v. 20, we see that God has revealed Himself through His creation. What examples come to your mind of how we can see the power & authority of God in His creation?

C: In v. 21, we read that we reject God by not honoring Him. How does believing that all of humanity fails to honor God & even attempts to take the honor from God undercut any notion that humanity is innocent?

D: In v. 21, we also see that humanity fails to give thanks to God. It was said that, “every single blessing in your life finds its source in God & God alone.” What happens when we really begin to believe that? What happens when we don’t believe that?

E: In v. 21, there is also two clear consequences of humanity’s rejection: futile thinking & foolish hearts being darkened. How have you seen that our thinking about God directly connects to the wisdom we demonstrate in our lives?

F: By v. 23, we see that humanity has substituted worship of the one, true God for gods made in our own image & digresses from there. These “gods” were true not only of Biblical times, but in our own as well. What would you say are some of the “gods” of our own time?

3.We ended by thinking on what we, as the people of God, do with this truth seen in Romans 1.

A: We were encouraged to communicate this truth of God’s wrath: carefully, clearly, confidently, constantly, & compassionately. Which of these qualities of communicating hard truths is most difficult to put into action for you?

B: We were also challenged throughout the sermon to know. Know answers to the major questions, know the major questions of our day. So what are some good resources you use to stay up to date on the major topics of today while holding onto the timeless truth of the Scriptures? (Al Mohler podcast, “The Briefing” is a good example of a solid resource)