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Romans 14:1-12

1. We went through the verses unpacking the reasons that Christians ought to have unity despite differing opinions on matters the Bible doesn’t explicitly command or forbid.

A: In v. 1, Paul addresses those who are strong in the faith & calls on them to both welcome those who are weaker in the faith & not to quarrel over opinions. What is the grid by which we determine whether an issue is a matter of opinion or a matter of Biblical truth & principles? 

B: From v. 3 we see that the first reason we are to be marked by unity as Christians is because of our position as accepted by God, “God has welcomed…”. Paul reminds them of their unity in light of Christ. Why is it easy for Christians to neglect the truth of our identity, as people accepted by God, when disagreements arise?

C: Verse 4 shows us the sustaining power of God, that those in Christ will be upheld. How does knowing the end: victory, motivate us to enjoy unity right now?

D: In v. 5, Paul says that, “each one should be fully convinced in his own mind.” Pastor Nate gave the example of burial vs. cremation as one where opinions might differ. What are examples of other issues where we can differ in opinions as Christians, yet maintain unity in Christ?

E: With so much of this section highlighting differences among Christians, v. 6 reveals the core commonality…seeking to honor the Lord. Christians purpose themselves to honor the Lord. What happens when we remember to see fellow Christians in this light of common pursuit? What happens when we believe that a person does not have the same goals/purposes?

F: Verses 7-9 point out that we are the Lord’s; we are not our own, we belong to God. This belonging to God is good as Jesus is the master of all! How does believing you BELONG to God impact how you engage the world? Interact with others?

G: We see at the end of the passage we covered that we share the same confession: Jesus is Lord. What are ways we can be reminded regularly of this confession? As individuals, as families, as a church?

2. We ended by speaking on the founding & preciousness of Christian unity.

A: Since Christian unity is built on the gospel, we were exhorted to be gospel-saturated…as gospel-saturation leads to greater unification. How can you finish this year in a way where gospel-saturation takes place?

B: We also heard that unity is precious & powerful, yet easily lost. So we were to pray for greater unity, purge ourselves of pride & ego, purpose ourselves to gather continually, & praise God for our current unity. So take time to pray together through these matters & share ways we can seek to purge ourselves of these sins & purpose ourselves towards continuity.