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November 15, 2020

MATTHEW 9:32-34

Pastor Nate began by reminding us why Matthew was so eager to prove that Jesus is God in the flesh: so that believers would trust, obey and praise Jesus Christ.


  1. Considering Matthew 9:32, Pastor Nate identified for us some of the characters and the action that was occurring in this verse.  The “they” in the first part of the verse, “as they were going away” refers to the two formerly blind men, who were on their way to disobey Jesus’ command, and the “behold” is a reminder that something stunning is about to take place in this passage.  Pastor Nate then answered some questions about demon oppression and possession for us:


  • What does it mean to be demon possessed?
  • Can someone today be oppressed and possessed by a demon?
  • Should followers of Christ be frightened by demons?


Share as a group your answers to these questions from today’s message. Some of the answers to these questions from Pastor Nate include: 

  • To be demon possessed means a person is inhabited by a demon who is inflicting harm, in this case…the person was mute.
  • A person can be oppressed and possessed by a demon today…there are powerful spiritual beings working on behalf of Satan all around the globe.
  • A follower of Christ cannot be oppressed by demons…we are possessed by God through His Holy Spirit.  The power of Christ is infinitely greater than the power of Satan.  And demons are defeated foes.  Demons are real and they are at work today, but Christ is the Victor!

Because of this, how does today’s teaching challenge any of your previous thinking regarding demons?  How does today’s message reassure you in this area?  



  1. Pastor Nate provided several verses concerning those who brought others to Christ:
  • Matt. 4:23-25
  • Matt. 8:16
  • Matt. 9:1-2

Choose one of these verses to read together as a group.  If there is no other action more honoring than bringing people to Christ, how does your calendar or weekly goals reflect that?  How about your prayer life?  Share with your group one area of your life that needs changing, with God’s help, so that you can bring another person to Christ? 


  1. In addition to bringing people to Christ, we can intercede for them.  Pastor Nate said, “The only one who can stop them coming before Christ in prayer is you.” What extra steps do you feel you could make this week to include more time for prayer?  What needs changing in your prayer life?  How can you consistently and persistently pray for those in your life who don’t know Christ this week?


  1. Parents and grandparents are especially called to bring their children to Christ and intercede for them.  “What is more important that your child’s spiritual well-being?” Share with the group what was helpful and/or convicting from Pastor Nate’s story of hymn singing with his children.


  1. Considering verses 33-34, and the responses of the crowd and the Pharisees, we are asked by Matthew to focus on the powerful work of Christ.  Both the crowd and the Pharisees chose to focus on the miracle, but not the Person; on the wonder of creation but not the wonder of Christ.  How does this passage warn us as we study God’s Word?  


  1. On Sunday, we learned about “Regeneration”.  Regeneration is a movement from being spiritually deaf and blind to spiritual hearing and sight. Who accomplishes this in the life of a Christian?  How does remembering that the work of regeneration by the Holy Spirit results in saving faith in the Son of God, Jesus Christ, affect your comprehension, your understanding and your belief in the Gospel?  Because believers receive regeneration, what are the two actions Pastor Nate said that every follower should take?  Share with your group how you will plan to intentionally intercede and plead for the unsaved in your life, and/or how you will rejoice over your salvation and God’s graciousness to you this week.